Monkeypox: Not a gay disease

Monkeypox is the newest disease on the block, causing flu-like symptoms and often causing a nasty rash, courtesy of being in the smallpox family. Already, there’s misinformation on the disease, such as it being called a gay disease or even the next “HIV”, due to most of its cases being reported among gay and bisexual men. But, It’s nothing close to that, since its infections aren’t permanent, it’s not a STD, already has vaccines available, and treatment (TPOXX, an antiviral).

Even Fox New’s (which should never be considered for factual information) shining Radio Doctor, Marc Siegel (known for promoting hydroxychloroquine and downplaying the pandemic), states that the disease is far from being a gay disease or “the next HIV” as well. Thanks for that, I guess?

5 quick things to know about monkeypox from the CDC

Monkeypox is transmitted from direct and close contact, which just so happens to be a consequence of intimacy and sex, as well as direct contact with surfaces (including fabrics, like bed sheets). For people that don’t have sex once a decade and have intimacy, of course they’ll be more likely to get it. Monkeypox is less contagious as COVID-19, though monkeypox can spread through the air (which is unlike a STD, by the way), that is, via respiratory secretions from sneezing or coughing. It’s not as potent as COVID-19, but still a risk nevertheless.

Symptoms of monkeypox are mostly flu-like, including fever, chills, fatigue, respiratory symptoms, etc. What isn’t flu-like however, is that nasty ass rash. The rash’s location can be near on the genitals, anus, and various other regions including hands, feet, chest, face, or even the mouth. The rash resembles pimples or blisters, and has several stages. The rash is what at least makes it obvious that one has monkeypox, which develops 1-4 days after showing flu-like symptoms.