SAND: An LGBTQ+ short film

In the English seaside town of Skegness, two boys struggle with both who they are as individuals and as a couple. This is a really cute short that tackles some tough issues including sexual identity and how that crosses over bisexuality.

I think the opening scene captures the chemistry and attraction of new boyfriends. Personally, I don’t care for it being shot in black and white (which is the only reason I wouldn’t give this short an A grade). The background music is catchy and super well done. I give this short a solid and strong B. Maybe even a B+. Here are some of the particulars:

Best LGBTQ+ film at super international teenager festival in Romania.

Directed and writer: Maddie Barnes
DOP: Natapong William Collins
Producer : Roisin Moroney-Lewis
Editor: Nickolai Shklyaver

Jamie – Joel Fossard-Jones
Curtis – Jonny Gutteridge
Lindsey – Alexandra Stapleton